Amy Pilcher


“When asked by others, “where do you attend church?”, it's hard to define. I don’t “attend” church; I am the church alongside this group of people. These people are my family in the way only Christ can define. Sharing our everyday lives forces us to step outside what is comfortable and into true biblical community. It’s not always easy to rid myself of my human flesh and consider others before my conveniences, but it always is worth it. On Sundays, we laugh together, cry together, pray, study, worship, and “muddle” through the tough questions. And then every other day of the week, they are still there-to stop by when you need a quick chat, to go to Costco for you when you can’t make it, to process with you after you’ve fought a spiritual battle, to hike the trails and get to know you more, to check in on your sick children or your latest doctor’s appointment. This group of people has been a part of the big and small. I have enjoyed a long weekend of camping with them, and I have walked into a courthouse with them during our adoption process - and both events have felt equally natural and full of agape love!“ - Amy Pilcher (HC participant)